- Contact Details :
- Name : Iain Macdonald
- Phone : 0273380122
- Location : Rotorua
- Email :
- Pet Details :
- Name : Dexter
- Age : 9
- Breed : Border collie
- Gender : Male
- Fees :
Dexter is a 9yo short haired black border collie. I had him from 6 months old until almost 3yrs until I unfortunately had to re home him due to a relationship break up. He spent the next 5.5yrs in Gisborne where he had a hard life. I got a phone call after hearing nothing for 5.5yrs and it was the pound saying they had found my dog. I picked him up and he is back in good health now apart from some bottom teeth missing. We have 2 other dogs and a new born baby and unfortunately can’t keep him. I’d absolutely love to but 3 dogs and a baby is too much in out little house. He is a lovely old dog and still loves exercise and cuddles. He unfortunately does not like cats at all. I want him to have his last few years spent with someone that will give him a loving home and treat him kind. It does break my heart to give him up again but I want him to be with someone that will give him a bit more time than I can at the moment 😔