Tuxedo mum and her son need to stay together!
- Contact Details :
- Name : Dolores Domenichini
- Phone : 021902629
- Location : Tauranga
- Email : domenic76@hotmail.co.nz
- Pet Details :
- Name : Mittens / Prince
- Age : 6 years / 5 years
- Breed : Tuxedo / Mix
- Gender : Female / Male
- Fees :
6 year old female tuxedo cat and her 5 year old fully black male son are quite the mates. Fixed, vaccinated, wormed and flea treated.
These two characters have been the favorites of our family since day 1 but after life-changing circumstances I am finding I am having to say good-bye.
‘Mittens’ the mama cat is a real talker and a home body. She loves to be with her people -snoozing at the foot of the bed, next to you on the couch watching movies or in the yard following you around as you hang washing, tend to the gardens or just sit and relax – she always wants to do it with you! Although she is not a lap-cat or a huge smoocher, she is never far away, loves a good brushing or pat and will not leave you dead ‘gifts’ to find!
‘Prince’ aka ‘Princie-Poo’ is her son and quite the opposite personality. He does like to let you know he has arrived home but not as chatty as his mother. This guy is a real smooch and requires a lot of attention and cuddles, once he gets to know you. (He can be quite shy at first.) Once comfortable, he will seek you out for bonding every morning and night. During the day he is out on his adventures and often brings home many meals. Loves his brushing too. Although a staunch fighter and true hunter he is the biggest baby at heart which is why it would not be good for him to be separated from his mother. He would most likely run away if he lost his old family and mama! Mittens will be his needed anchor!